A woman in her 40’s raised her hand during prayer requests, on Wednesday night. I was shocked by her words.
“I thank God for Hurricane Katrina. Cause without it, I don’t know where I would be today. God used it to bring me here. To be Part of this wonderful church where I met the Lord”
After the service, Rebelle and I asked her about what she had said. We listened intently as Cynthia told us her story. She lived in an area that was devastated by Katrina and lost her home. For some reason she felt like moving to GA, so she got bus tickets for her, her son, and her drunken husband. There was nothing to pack as they had lost all their possessions except the clothes they were wearing. When they got to GA, they didn’t have anywhere to go but a hotel. Which they lived in for a year. Eventually they found a place in Douglasville, GA, and while there, someone from Clearview Baptist invited her to church. That’s where Cynthia heard The Gospel and accepted Christ! I was completely blown away by this sweet sister’s praise to the Lord. The whole time, God was working and moving in her life. She wasn’t looking for Him, but God came to her. What a wonderful God we serve!
We don’t always understand the storms, but I pray that we can do as Cynthia did and praise the Lord! Regardless of the circumstances, God is still God. He is love. He is our King and our Savior. We can trust Him.
1 John 14:9We love him, because he first loved us.