Deputation is Done


Deputation = Done

This past Sunday was our last two meetings on Deputation! Both churches were a great blessing!

We have enjoyed our time on deputation and making new friends. We are encouraged by all the churches God has allowed us to partner with. Thank you all for your prayers, love, and support!

Please keep our support in your prayers we still need a few more churches to partner with us to be fully supported.


8 Days to Go

We are leaving in just 8 short days for Japan! We are so excited to begin working in Japan! Please continue to pray for us as we get everything together for the move to Japan.


Blessing Services

This Thursday at Vision Baptist Church (Our Mission Board) is our blessing service. It starts at 7 pm if you would like to join us.

This Sunday our home church Lighthouse Baptist is having our send off service. If you can’t make it, we are recording the services if you would like to see them.

15 Days Until Japan (with Pictures)!!!


15 Days to Go

We are greatly anticipating our move to Japan! We are packing our bags and making final preparations. We are currently in OH for a meeting on Wednesday. Which is really nice for us because we get to spend a few days with Rebel’s parents and say goodbye. Atlas and Journey are having a blast with the grandparents. I’m so thankful they get this opportunity before we head to Japan.

Please continue to pray that the remaining needed support will come in before we leave! We only need about 8 more churches to support us to reach our board’s recommended support level for Japan. God has blessed tremendously these last few months new support. Thank you to all who have given and prayed for us!

Atlas 2nd Birthday!


Family stretching legs before Church Sunday Morning

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Atlas helping Grandma Taube with Journey’s birthday cupcakes

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Journey getting a preview of her birthday cupcakes!

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