Today I get to celebrate the birth of my best friend, partner, and love of my life, Rebelle Hill. I’m blessed to have such a wonderful Christian woman as my wife. I daily thank the Lord for her, and I thank each of you that keep her in your prayers! Having a birthday on deputation is a little bit different. Instead of meeting with friends and family, you meet kind, loving people that do the sweetest things. On your birthday you
don’t really expect strangers to celebrate it or even remember it! This past Sunday we were at Bible Baptist in Royston, GA and the church had gotten Rebelle a gift! We are at a missions conference at New Life Baptist Church in Dalton, GA, with people we haven’t met until recently. They have done nothing but loved us, and given Rebelle cards and gifts. I praise the Lord for His people. What a reflection of God’s love. Thank you to all our new friends that have really done too much for us! Like taking us to a Mexican Restaurant!